Thursday 17 July 2014

The Truth behind the photos and videos claiming it as the result of using Head & Shoulders,Dove etc.

In June 2014 Facebook users began seeing posts pointing to a purported video clip entitled "You Will Not Use Head & Shoulders Shampoo After Watching This Video,"which supposedly graphically illustrated the deleterious effects of using that popular brand of shampoo.(Later versions substituted Dove brand shampoo for Head & Shoulders.)The static image accompanying the posts was the one displayed below, which allegedly pictures some form of bizarre injury or infection that befall a user of that brand of shampoo. 


The Truth behind these photos is that The image itself is a hoax, a fabrication that imitates a notorious fake photograph created by merging a picture of a lotus seed pod with a picture of a human shoulder)people have PHOTOSHOPPED onto nipples, necks, and other body parts claiming that they are rashes caused by larvae in bras, using Head & Shoulders, etc.  may see images of lotus seed pod below.

The best way to handle such survey scams is to give them a wide berth: Do not click through on associated links,Don't share those links on Facebook, and do not participate in any related surveys.

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