Friday 11 July 2014

Health Secret: Why do Japanese people live for so long!!!!!!!!

It is a well known fact that when it comes to living long, healthy lives, the Japanese seem to have an upper hand in that department.  As a nation, Japan has the overall greatest longevity, currently hosting over 50,000 centenarians(centenarian is a person who lives to or beyond the age of 100 years).The average life span of Japanese men is 78 years while their women counterparts have a life expectancy of 85. That is remarkable and is also the world's highest life expectancy of the past 20 years.

Whether it’s the water practice or something in the food they eat, we can learn a few tricks from the Japanese.
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So regardless if this practice will save your life as Japanese believe, here a look at many of the other proven benefits of drinking two full glasses of water upon waking.

It rehydrates your dehydrated body

When you wake up after a long sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. No matter how much water you drank the day before, you have used up your stores and it’s time to refill the tank.

Flushes out toxins

While you sleep your body repairs itself, replenishes energy and balances hormones. The result is toxins and other waste materials being released and waiting to be flushed out.After clearing your body of these toxins,you will feel great and be able to absorb more nutrients from a well-balanced breakfast.This also leads to clear skin and better overall well being.

Helps effectively in weight loss

Drinking water is a crucial tactic when it comes to weight loss. But drinking water after waking up is the most optimal way to do it. Think of drinking water after waking up as an alarm clock for your metabolism. This morning water kick starts your metabolism & has been proven to increase your calorie burning potential throughout the day.

Fuels your brain

Here’s a fun fact; your brain is 75% water. A morning glass of water will leave you feeling sharp and clear throughout the day, giving you an edge over all the dehydrated zombies you’ll encounter.

Prevents and cures disease

For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses,the water treatment had been found successfully by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure from the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart diseases, excess fatness, asthma, TB, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb cancer, ear nose and throat diseases.

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